ProxVision is a revolutionary smart glasses which unleashes the power of Computer Vision by incorporating pioneering technology into a wearable device(glasses) that could change millions of blind people's lives in India and across the world.

Comfortable design&UI

Artificial Intelligence

HD cameras

Bone-conduction audio delivery


Healthcare process

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.


Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor.

Giving Love

How it works?

ProxVision smart glasses is the first product from ProxMaq Foundation for millions of blind people around the world. Its a revolutionary smart glasses using AI to process images and video captured by HD cameras. ProxVision glasses can Identify coin and paper currency and can find the object just by taking voice commands. Also it can read the text, avoids the collision, enables the person to make video/audio calls, messaging, location sharing and more...

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Currency Identification

Currency identification is always a major problem for visually impaired people. To solve this problem ProxVision glasses comes with powerful Machine Learning algorithms and HD cameras to identify the metal and paper currency.

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Scene Description

ProxVision glasses keeps the blind person informed about his surroundings and helps him to respond accordingly. Thanks to Scene Description feature which is powered by advanced Deep Learning models

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Smart Navigation

Smart Navigation helps the person to avoid collision with objects and suggest the safe route to reach his/her destination safely.

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HD Video/Voice calls

Safety is always our top priority. We knew that even the ultra smart AI-powered device could fail sometimes but we at ProxMaq never give up on safe navigation, ProxVision enables the person to connect with his/her loved ones/caretaker/family through high quality video and voice calls at any emergency hazardous situations just by taking a few voice commands.

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Text Recognition And Reading

Reading documents, newspapers, labels, letters written by their loved ones, documents in mobile/computer is no longer the dream for blind people, the dream comes true with ProxVision smart glasses. With the help of HD cameras and AI algorithms ProxVision glasses can Recognize and Read printed&digital text, headings, sub headings, paragraphs, labels on any surface for the blind person and convert them into audio.

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Smart Search

Smart Search helps the blind person to find out the object he want and let him know how far away it is from him.

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Bone-conduction Audio Delivery

To eliminate the risk and ensure the person’s safety ProxVision comes with a revolutionary Bone-conduction Audio Delivery System which delivers the audio directly to the inner ear through skull bone so the person can hear the speech generated by ProxVision and also sounds from his surroundings.

PV-currency detection

Currency Identification

Currency identification is always a major problem for visually impaired people. To solve this problem ProxVision glasses comes with powerful Machine Learning algorithms and HD cameras to identify the metal and paper currency.

PV-scene description

Scene Description

ProxVision glasses keeps the blind person informed about his surroundings and helps him to respond accordingly. Thanks to Scene Description feature which is powered by advanced Deep Learning models

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Smart Navigation

Smart Navigation helps the person to avoid collision with objects and suggest the safe route to reach his/her destination safely.

PV-video call

HD Video/Voice calls

Safety is always our top priority. We knew that even the ultra smart AI-powered device could fail sometimes but we at ProxMaq never give up on safe navigation, ProxVision enables the person to connect with his/her loved ones/caretaker/family through high quality video and voice calls at any emergency hazardous situations just by taking a few voice commands.

Text Recognition And Reading

Reading documents, newspapers, labels, letters written by their loved ones, documents in mobile/computer is no longer the dream for blind people, the dream comes true with ProxVision smart glasses. With the help of HD cameras and AI algorithms ProxVision glasses can Recognize and Read printed&digital text, headings, sub headings, paragraphs, labels on any surface for the blind person and convert them into audio.

PV-smart search

Smart Search

Smart Search helps the blind person to find out the object he want and let him know how far away it is from him.

PV-bone conduction

Bone-conduction Audio Delivery

To eliminate the risk and ensure the person’s safety ProxVision comes with a revolutionary Bone-conduction Audio Delivery System which delivers the audio directly to the inner ear through skull bone so the person can hear the speech generated by ProxVision and also sounds from his surroundings.

What's more?

Human-Like Voice Interaction

Supports 4 Languages

Dedicated Mobile App

Location Sharing


Watch our work

Vision meets reality

ProxVision Prototype Testing


You can support us with your services like providing Hardware components, Software tools, Cloud services, Promoting ProxVision, etc...


You can contribute your time, skills and knowledge through volunteering with the us.


Your donation to our organisation can help us offer more services to people.

Proud supporters

ProxMaq is a perfect example of how AI and technology can help for a social cause like assisting a blind person. As a data science and AI youtuber I was teaching AI through youtube and building apps for the enterprise but when Mahesh shared his vision for using AI for social welfare it left a deep impact on me and decided to join hands in this project.

Dhaval Patel
Founder, Codebasics

I feel very happy when I see any technology initiative that is not just centered around commercial gains but rather helping people in need to build a better future. ProxMaq is one such initiative and I provide my full support for noble cause.

Bhavin Patel
Founder, AtliQ Technologies

I am proud to support Mahesh and ProxMaq. Mahesh is a true inspiration, who has turned his personal adversity into an opportunity to make a positive impact on society. Proxmaq's vision to create a world where the disabled are less dependent on others is noble and we didn't need much convincing to commit our support to this worthy cause.

Chanukya Patnaik
Founder & CEO, AI Planet

ProxMaq is a perfect example of how AI and technology can help for a social cause like assisting a blind person. As a data science and AI youtuber I was teaching AI through youtube and building apps for the enterprise but when Mahesh shared his vision for using AI for social welfare it left a deep impact on me and decided to join hands in this project.

Dhaval Patel


Founder, Codebasics


I feel very happy when I see any technology initiative that is not just centered around commercial gains but rather helping people in need to build a better future. ProxMaq is one such initiative and I provide my full support for noble cause.


I am proud to support Mahesh and ProxMaq. Mahesh is a true inspiration, who has turned his personal adversity into an opportunity to make a positive impact on society. Proxmaq’s vision to create a world where the disabled are less dependent on others is noble and we didn’t need much convincing to commit our support to this worthy cause.

Chanukya Patnaik


Founder & CEO, AI Planet


This is the beginning. Since we’re trying to make the change in blind lives, make the change in world, we facing some issues at start. For ProxVision we noticed that we need more active volunteers for:
  • 1

    Developing AI models.

  • 2

    IoT developer

  • 3

    Promoting ProxVision

  • 4

    Hardware providers

Your small contribution will be a great block in building the future. Contact us now.

Lets discuss how we can achieve this
